Thursday 9 June 2011

This week has been a good week!

The thing about being a self employed designer maker is that some weeks go by and all it is is sew, sew, sew however some weeks go by and you cant seem to get near to the sewing machine for love nor money as there is so much of everything else to sort out!

This week has been a lovely balance of sewing, cutting out, teaching and scavenging for supplies ....and that my friend is my favourite part. Fabric shops, car boot sales, haberdashery shops- don't even get me started... and then there`s eBay I can even source goodies in my nightie. Let me tell you its dangerous!

I have my daughter arriving home this month after 3 years at university in London and I cant wait, although there is one problem with that and that is where the hell am I going to put her? I seem to have spread from my appointed sewing room and taken roost in her room too. When I say taken roost its like ...`OK ,wheres the bed gone` So this week I have been shoving things in the loft, I have been re arranging cupboards and drawers to disappear things. I filled a few charity bags and I even threw some stuff out and I found it! there`s the bed, it was there all the time but obscured from view with a huge bag of woolly jumpers ready to upcycle into mittens for my winter fairs.

Mittens recycled from a Next jumper

52 pairs of mittens all cut out and ready to sew
So the huge bag of woollens is now half empty because I actually got round to doing some cutting out and managed to cut out 52 pairs of mittens all ready to sew up for the winter.
Hmmm glorious outside and I am cutting out mittens sweating like a good `un

This week I also found a fabulous recycling place where they sell the most amazing range  of stuff. Its all the things that would otherwise end up in landfill,  much of it from industry,
Scrap Creative are well worth a visit if you get chance! I have always felt that other peoples rubbish can be my treasure and this place just proves that its not just me.

Heres one thing I bought any idea what it might be?

Each hole is about as big as a pound coin

Answers on a postcard please :)

Its the most beautiful quality  double thickness felt. Not quite sure why I bought it apart from the fact that I love the colour, neither do I know what it will end up becoming. If I have things around me for a while they usually speak to me. All I can say is watch this space

While I was trying to unearth my daughters bed I found some other stuff dying to be re-born into something beautiful. check out this bag I made from a mans checked jacket. It makes me smile each time I look at it

The underside of the front flap. All you need is love don't you know!

The back using the existing pocket from the jacket
The front view using the lapel of the jacket

A flowery inside pocket

Back to school tomorrow for a day to educate young minds about the glory of shading and tone and how to stay in their seats and listen for more than 2 minutes at a time and then I have a stall at Notton Gala on Sunday. Oh please don't let it rain between 1pm and 5.

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